I celebrated the solstice a week early, in the a beautifully mountainous area, amidst 300 dirty dirty hippies and about 5 wankers who were just there to be obnoxiously drunk. Within my first 5 minutes there, the bottom half of my pants felt like I had accidentally stepped into a cement mixer. Yes, it rained a bit, yes, I got filthy, and yes, I had a rockin good time.
My friends invited me to spin fire with them, which is a little intimidating because they're all very good, and I haven't done that for a long time. But what freaked me out even more was the circle of people around us... in what I felt like were dangerously close quarters. As i was getting my stick lit, someone actually brushed me a few times with his lit poi, so I'm like "fuck this" and I stepped out of the circle and just played out back... which was fun while it lasted, but the stick wouldn't light very well on account of the rain and mud...
After that, one of the bands went MIA, so the organizers just asked anyone to join in on a jam, so I had a massive drumming session, which was wicked fun (I'm sending my drum good vibes from across the pacific...)
After that, we danced. and danced and danced.
The next day I woke up and had a beer for breakfast because it was 3 cans for $3CDN.
Then I met a cute little family and a cute little girl named Anya. Anya is a very lucky girl, beacause thanks to me, she was introduced to a wonderful canadian invention called poutine (beign). The poutine on this particular morning was so fait-que-beign-wai delicious, and it made Anya so happy, she couldn't shovel it into her mouth fast enough. In between shovelin, Anya grooved to the music and politely applauded after every song.

Oh, one last thing about the mud, probably my favourite thing- MUD FRISBEE!!! Every few throws, we had to use a finger to scoop the mud out of the inside ring, and give a few good flings. And guess what? Muddy frisbees WARBLE, which make them really awesome good fun. Sigh...
Well, I was going to put up a small stop motion video of little Anya enjoying her poutine, so that you could enjoy the sight in real time, but it doesn't appear to be working, so we will add that later. In the meantime, you can see more peacefest photos here. It's been a busy month and I'm behind on my blogging, so on with it!
June 24, 2008 at 11:27 p.m.
well if you like hippies that is a pretty sweet hippy to tosser ratio.
Anya is a cutey!