The "Blah" Films

I've only been interviewed once on camera, back in my first year as Midnight Mania Programmer for the Worldwide Short Film Festival. You'll never see it, because I choked so bad it was virtually unusable. FALLEN ART was a film I programmed that year, and is still amongst my favourite short films. It's a stunning Polish animation by a guy named Tomek Baginski- beautiful, surreal, totally weird. It reminds me of the old war propaganda reels in front of the talkies, in the early days of cinema; how we parade men in uniform on the screen as noble, but what they do in war, and what they die for is less so.. but we're content to soak in the drama and applaude it anyway. Throw in a little klezmer et voila.

Another favourite is IDENT, a film by Aardman Animations, the folks behind Wallace and Gromit and Creature Comforts. IDENT is decidedly more cynical and dark in nature. I remember being so amazed that so much could be expressed through nonsense-dialogue, like "blah" became my new favourite word. It might be a little dated, but it is such a human film... it's got such sad clown appeal.

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