Cosplay in Taiwan - it ain't no play thing, yo.

They have this thing over here, where kids randomly dress up as their favourite anime/manga/video game/comic book character, and wearing a costume they've spent all their after-school hours labouring over, parade around like models and super stars for a day. And other, bigger little kids carry around $3000-dollar camera, set them to "Auto" and pretend they're the paparrazzi for the day.

This is Evil Nun Man. His WMD was made from rusted pedals and bicycle brakes. he didn't come off so scary , more like confused, like "how the fuck do I weild this deathly device again??"and so forth. I think it's a medieval anal probe.

This guy was so happy when I asked him if I could take his photo. I started a wave, because once someone stops to pose for one camera, then a cluster of cameras soon congregate. So, within minutes, there was serious paparazzi action a gwanin'. Instant star. I love his boots.

Look at this girl's hatchet! It's HUGE!! And look! her friend is one of those wise but deadly scholars, who can slice you up with her deceivingly floofy-looking caligraphy pens! Lethal weapon, that is!

The costumes are almost all handmade, and really really elaborate. Some of them are just clunky and funny, but some people really go all out.

This guy definitely had the shittiest outfit there. I think he's supposed to be Ultraman's pet robot, ponchobo.

This guy is aptly named Pyramid Head. I love people with super obvious names. You can see him rip someone's skin off in this Youtube clip.

It's weird. I hear Halloween isn't big in Taiwan, and I can't really understand why. I think it has something to do with age, like Halloween is thought to be child's play, but cosplay is, I dunno, "serious". Well, hope they plan another convention for the end of October. That'll learn 'em.

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